Modern slavery and human trafficking statement 2023 to 2024
This statement provides the steps Robert Scott & Sons have taken and continue to take to minimise the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain and is published in line with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The Company and Supply Chain
Robert Scott & Sons Ltd are a manufacturing and janitorial products supplier with a head office based in North West England and over 2000 customers worldwide. With around 220 employees, all our workforce, whether employed directly or through an employment agency are recruited from within the UK and employed in the UK. The supply chain includes the sourcing of raw materials including mop yarns, knitting yarns and plastics, locally, nationally and worldwide.
Our Commitment
Robert Scott & Sons are committed to preventing slavery, forced or compulsory labour, abuse of power over vulnerable individuals, human trafficking or exploitation in any part of the business or supply chain. An integrated approach has been established to managing human rights across the business, including risks related to slavery and human trafficking. Robert Scott & Sons are members of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) and Stronger Together. Both are not-for-profit organisations dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices, providing the guidance required to prevent, uncover and report any modern slavery methods which may be taking place in global supply chains, with the aim of creating a world where fair work, free from exploitation may be achieved.Â
Processes for Combatting Slavery and Human Trafficking
We expect our national and international supply chains to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and procedures in place. To police this, our suppliers must submit an audit report using an independent third party body. On submission it will be reviewed by our compliance team to ensure it meets our audit criteria. If a potential supplier fails to meet our expectations or is unable to supply the information required, we may decide to not enter into an agreement to purchase or if this is an existing supplier, their contract may be terminated.
As part of our process to identify and mitigate risk, we adhere to strict guidelines to protect workers from poor treatment and exploitation covering issues such as working hours, training, terms and conditions of employment and the national minimum wage. We do this by assessing;

 -  Working Conditions
 -  Health and Safety Issues
 -  Pay and Tax matters
Our preference is to directly recruit our employees, and all with the exception of a small number who are based from their home, have their place of work at one of the six sites operated by Robert Scott & Sons.  All employees go through a comprehensive right to work process to ensure all appropriate checks are carried out. Regular internal audits are carried out on this process to confirm compliance. 
As a result of these processes, we consider that in general, our directly employed staff are not in a category which is classed as vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK.
Labour and recruitment agencies:  Our requirements are that they have been independently audited and certified by the REC (recruitment and employment federation) working in accordance with the Employment Agencies Act & the conduct of employment agencies / employment business regulations 2003. We also ensure that they hold a current GLAA (Gang masters and Labour Abuse Authority) certificate. Audits are also carried out by ourselves on a regular basis to ensure all remain compliant.

A whistleblowing and disclosure of information policy is published in the employee handbook. It provides clear guidance on raising concerns in confidence relating to any wrongdoing which extends to slavery and human trafficking. 

We encourage anyone (including employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and clients) to report in good faith any issues or concerns about potential ethics, human rights, legal or regulatory violations, including improper or unethical business practices such as fraud or bribery. Any breaches by employees of Robert Scott will be taken seriously and dealt with on a case-to-case basis. This may lead to disciplinary action being taken, up to and including dismissal from the company on the grounds of gross misconduct.Â
Internal Accountability
The Robert Scott Code of Conduct states that we do not condone child, forced, indentured or bonded labour, but seek to promote honest and ethical conduct, deter wrongdoing and support compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  The principles embodied in the code reflect our policies related to but not limited to slavery, human trafficking, conflicts of interest, non-discrimination, anti-bribery and anticorruption and protection of the company’s assets and reputation.
Our Plans
We are committed to continually developing and improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking and it is our intention to escalate the regularity in which we send out ethical questionnaires to our existing suppliers.Â
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain and our business, we develop and deliver training for relevant employees. All directors have been briefed on the subject.
This statement is published in line with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It has been approved by Daniel Scott, Operations Director, for the financial year ending September 2023. It is reviewed on a yearly basis.Â